quinta-feira, dezembro 8


No último final de semana o programa Globo News Painel foi especial. O jornalista William Waack e um grupo de convidados entrevistaram Christine Lagarde, diretora-gerente do FMI. Ela fala sobre a crise vivida pelos países na zona do Euro e as possíveis soluções do problema.
 Esta foi uma oportunidade ím - par de ouvir vários brasileiros falando inglês, entre eles: economistas, diplomatas e jornalistas. Assista no link abaixo o video:


Aproveite todas as situações para aprimorar o seu inglês.
O segredo de ter uma boa pronúncia e entonação em qualquer língua é ouvir analiticamente como os falantes dessa língua a falam, prestando atenção na melodia e sempre que possível, imitar!

sábado, novembro 19

Word of the Day - Renowned

renowned Audio Pronunciation /rɪˈnaʊnd/ adjective - renomado/a
veja como se pronuncia "renowned"
comparative and superlative forms: more renowned; most renowned
: known, famous and admired by many people for some special quality or achievement • a restaurant renowned for its wine list • a renowned scientist/artist/writer.Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking suffers from amyotrophic  lateral sclerosis
. The program includes a perfomance  by the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic.
+as - Francis was renowned as an aggressive competitor
renowned for (doing) sth - The coast is renowned for its beautiful beaches  . 

quinta-feira, novembro 17

Quote of the Day

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963);
writer, theologian, scholar

quarta-feira, novembro 16

Word of today - REVIVE

revive Audio Pronunciation /rɪˈvaɪv/ verb
inflected forms: revives; revived; reviving
1 a [with object] : to make (someone or something) strong, healthy, or active again • The doctors were trying to revive the patient. [=to make the unconscious patient conscious again] • Visiting my old house has revived [=brought back]childhood memories. • The water revived [=refreshed] the flowers. • The success of the movie has revived her career. • The government is trying to revive the economy. • Our spirits were revived by his enthusiasm.
1 b [no object] : to become strong, healthy, or active again • The store's business is beginning to revive.
2 [with object] : to bring (something) back into use or popularity • The family is trying to revive an old custom.
3 [with object] : to arrange to have (an old play, opera, etc.) performed in front of an audience • He has decided to revive Molière’s Tartuffe.
revive / rɪvaɪv / verb

formas flexionadas: revive; reviveu; revivendo

1-A [com objeto]: tornar (alguém ou algo) forte, saudável ou ativo novamente Os médicos tentavam reanimar o paciente. [= para tornar o paciente inconsciente consciente novamente] • Visitar minha antiga casa reviveu [= trazido de volta] memórias de infância. A água reviveu [= refrescou] as flores. O sucesso do filme ressuscitou sua carreira. • O governo está tentando recuperar a economia. Nossos espíritos foram reavivados pelo seu entusiasmo.

1 b [objeto não]: tornar-se forte, saudável ou ativo novamente
O negócio da loja está começando a se recuperar

sábado, novembro 12

Como dizer: LADRÃO em Inglês

Hoje em dia nos deparamos com muitas notícias ruins na TV, envolvendo ladrões, bandidos , assaltantes, etc. Assim como na lingua portuguesa, há varias maneiras de se falar "ladrão" em inglês.

1. ladrão (simples ladrão) – thief

How tall was the thief that has robbed you? [Qual era a altura do ladrão que roubou você?]

Roubar pode ser traduzido como to steal (coisas) ou to rob (lugares ou pessoas).

2. ladrão/ assaltante (de casas, lugares) – burglar

Burglar dies after exchanging gunfire with police. [Assaltante morre depois de trocar tiros com policia.]

Temos também o verbo to burglarize e o substantivo burglary, relacionados a burglar.

3. chantagista – blackmailer

Oh crap! That blackmailer is calling here every single night. [Droga! Aquele chantagista liga aqui toda santa noite.]

Chantagear é to blackmail e chantagem é blackmail.

4. ladrão de Lojas (furta-produtos) – shoplifter

This guy is the shoplifter that stole a mobile phone last week. [Este cara é o ladrão que roubou um telephone celular semana passada.]

Roubar em loja é to shoplift e o roubo em si é shoplift.

5. ladrão de banco – bank robber

The bank robber took an old woman as a hostage. [O ladrão pegou uma senhora como refém.]

6. trombadinha, batedor de carteiras – pick-pocket

You have to be careful with pickpockets when walking around big cities. [Você tem que ter cuidado com os trombadinhas quando anda em cidades grandes.]

Bater carteira é traduzido como to pick a pocket ou to pick pockets.
7. assassino/ homicida – murderer

They locked up the murderer. [Prenderam o assassino.]

O substantivo é murder (assassinato) e o verbo é to murder (assassinar).

8. sequestrador – kidnapper

The police arrested the kidnapper last week. [A polícia prendeu o sequestrador semana passada.]

Temos o substantivo kidnap ou kidnapping (sequestro) e o verbo to kidnap (sequestrar).

9. ladrão (que rouba com violência) – mugger

Be careful! There are muggers everywhere! [Tenha cuidado! Há ladrões violentos em todos os lugares!]

O substantivo para o ato de agressão é mugging (assalto com violência) e o verbo é to mug.

Word of the Day : VANISH

vanish Audio Pronunciation /ˈvænɪʃ/ verb [no object]
inflected forms: vanishes; vanished; vanishing
1 : to disappear entirely without a clear explanation • My keys mysteriously vanished. • The missing girl vanished without a tracea year ago. • The papers seem to have vanished into thin air.
2 : to stop existing • Dinosaurs vanished from the face of the earth millions of years ago.
desaparecer / verbo / [sem o uso do objeto]

formas flexionadas: desaparece; desapareceu; desaparecido

 1:  desaparecer inteiramente sem uma explicação clara Minhas chaves desapareceram misteriosamente. A menina desapareceu sem deixar pista um ano atrás. • Parece que os jornais desapareceram no ar.
 2:  parar de existir. Os  dinossauros desapareceram da face da Terra milhões de anos atrás.

quarta-feira, novembro 9

Word of the Day: Nominee

nominee     /ˌnɑ:məˈni:/   noun [count]

 plural: nominees

someone or something that has been chosen as a candidate for a job, position, office, honor, award, etc. : someone or something that has been nominated • He is expected to be the Democratic nominee. • There's been a lot of controversy about the nominee to the Supreme Court. — often followed by forShe is one of the nominees for Best Actress. • the President’s nominee for Attorney General

 candidato / ˌ : məni: / substantivo [contável]

plural: os candidatos

Alguém ou algo que tenha sido escolhido como candidato a um emprego, posição, escritório, honra, apremiação, etc: alguém ou algo que foi nomeado Espera-se que ele seja o candidato democrata. Tem havido muita controvérsia sobre o candidato à Suprema Corte. - frequentemente seguido por para  Ela é uma das nomeadas para Melhor Atriz. candidato a presidente para a Procuradoria Geral

terça-feira, novembro 8

Word of the day

delegate Audio Pronunciation /ˈdɛlɪˌgeɪt/ verb
inflected forms: delegates; delegated; delegating
1 : to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone : to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.) [with object] • A manager should delegate authority to the best employees. • Those chores can be delegated to someone else. [no object] • He doesn't delegate very well.
2 [with object] : to choose (someone) to do something — often used as (be) delegated • He was delegated by the town to take care of the monument.
Como sou boazinha vou traduzir pra vocês:
delegar / dɛlɪ ˌ geɪt / verb

formas flexionadas: delegados, delegadas, delegando


1: dar (controle, autoridade, responsabilidade, etc) para alguém: confiar em alguém com (um trabalho dever, etc) [com o objeto] • Um gerente deve delegar autoridade para os melhores funcionários. • As tarefas podem ser delegadas a outra pessoa. [sem objeto] • Ele não delega muito bem.
2 [com o objeto]: escolher (alguém) para fazer algo - muitas vezes usado como (a) delegado Ele foi delegadao pela cidade para cuidar do monumento.

segunda-feira, novembro 7

Quote of the day

"It is the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion. ”

Dame Rebecca West (1892-1983);

English author, journalist, literary critic and travel writer

"É dever da alma  ser leal a seus próprios desejos. Ela deve abandonar-se à sua paixão mestre. "

Dame Rebecca West (1892-1983);

 Autora inglesa, jornalista, crítica literária e escritora de viagens

domingo, novembro 6

Word of the Day: CHAOS

chaos Audio Pronunciation /ˈkeɪˌɑ:s/ noun [noncount]
veja aqui como se pronuncia "chaos" e mais exemplos com esta palavra.
1 : complete confusion and disorder : a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything • The loss of electricity caused chaos throughout the city. • When the police arrived, the street was in total/complete/absolute chaos. • The country had descended into economic chaos.
2 : the state of the universe before there was any order and before stars and planets were formed

sábado, novembro 5

Idioms - "to use elbow grease"

"To use elbow grease" means "to use more strength to clean something" "usar mais força para limpar alguma coisa"

 That floor has black marks on it. You're going to have to use elbow grease to get it clean.
other example: The bath was so old and stained that we couldn´t get it clean no matter how much elbow grease we used.

sexta-feira, novembro 4


Para aprimorar a comunicação oral em um idioma é necessário enriquecer o vocabulário. Para ampliar o conhecimento de novas palavras nada melhor do que aprendê-las por temas. Ai vai um vocabulário básico de uso na TV.

a commercial (n): é o famoso “comercial”, onde se encontram avisos – de programação, divulgações de produtos de lojas etc.
EX: This commercial is so long! - Esse comercial é muito longo!

a couch potato (n): “navegador de sofá”, aquele que não fica sem um e/ou passa o dia inteiro na frente de uma TV.
Ex: This man is really a couch potato: he hasn’t left the couch since yesterday - Esse homem é um verdadeiro “navegador de sofá”: ele não saiu do sofá desde ontem.

a documentary
(n): documentário
Ex: Wow, that is an awsome documentary: The origin of the Universe! - Nossa! Esse é um documentário incrível: A origem do universo!

a drama (n): série dramática.
Ex: ABC has a new evening drama. - A ABC tem uma nova série dramática.

to kick back (v): deitar em uma cadeira confortável ou sentar em uma confortavelmente, relaxar
Ex: After a long working day, he kicked back and relaxed. - Depois de um longo dia de trabalho, ele se esticou e relaxou.

prime-time (a): horário nobre (da televisão)
Ex: Advertising during the prime time on TV is very expensive. – Anunciar no horário nobre da TV é muito caro.

a sitcom (n): comédia de meia hora. O termo vem de situation comedy, com momentos do dia-a-dia.
Ex: “Friends” is one of TV’s most famous sitcoms. - “Friends” é uma das sitcoms mais famosas da TV.

É bem básico, acredito, mas creio eu que uma ou duas palavras acima não sejam conhecidas.

(n) = noun (substantivo)
(a) = adjective (adjetivo)
(v) = verb (verbo)

só por curiosidade - Qual é a origem do nome FRIDAY

Yeah! The most desired day of the week is undoubtedly Friday. This is the day that people all over the world repeat the acronym TGIF "Thank God Ít´s Friday" as a mantra. Everybody loves Friday. But, have you ever wondered why Friday is called Friday in English? If the word “day” in Friday refers to “day”, what does “Fri” refer to?

The name Friday in Old English was Frīġedæġ, which means “the day of Frige”. Frige, who has other names (Frijjō, Frigg-Frija, Frigg), was the goddess of love in old Germanic religions. She was, so to speak, Wōdanaz’s wife. Wōdanaz, is also known as Odin or Woden. He lends his name to “Wednesday” (the day of Wōdanaz). The funny thing is that in Old English “Wednesday” was “Wōdnesdæg” and in Middle English was “Wednesdei”.

Back to Friday, then. In Latin, Friday is known as “dies veneris” or “day of Venus”. In Roman mythology, Venus, is also the goddess of love. See how one name is related to other? In both traditions the day known as Friday was related to the goddess of love. That’s why people love Friday.

In Romance languages (languages which share Latin origins) the name Friday is related to the goddess of love as well: vendredi (French), venerdi (Italian), viernes (Spanish), vineri (Romanian). Portuguese is the only Romance language which gives Friday a different name. In Portuguese, we say “sexta-feira”, which refers to the sixth day of the liturgical celebration. That is so because according to the Catholic tradition it is not allowed to consecrate days to other gods and goddesses.
I hope you understood the text, if you had difficult use the translator tool above.
By the way, today is Sunday, so have a NICE WEEK

fonte: Denilson de Lima Inglês na Ponta da Língua

Common Errors in English: mislead, misled

Mislead” is the present tense form of this verb, but the past tense and past participle forms are “misled.” When you mislead someone you have misled them. The spelling error most often occurs in the phrase “don’t be mislead,” especially in advertising. Although this phrase refers to the future, the helping verb “be” requires the participle “misled”: “don’t be misled.”

enganar / enganado
"Enganar" é a forma presente do indicativo deste verbo, mas as formas no passado e particípio passado são "enganados". Quando você engana alguém você tem enganado este alguém. O erro de ortografia na maioria das vezes ocorre na frase "não se engane"ou "não se deixe enganar" especialmente em publicidade. Embora esta frase se refere ao futuro, o verbo auxiliar "ser" requere o particípio "enganado": "Não se deixe enganar."(ou, "não se engane")

quarta-feira, agosto 31

What's a Jobs worth?

Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple but does this mean bad news for the company?

Actor and broadcaster Stephen Fry, a long-time fan of Apple's products, has been giving his thoughts.

Mark Gregory

Steve Jobs leaving the top at Apple, a company he set up with a friend in his parent's garage 35 years ago is being seen as a turning point moment.The world's largest technology company is losing its visionary founder. But investors don't seem worried for the short term. There was little element of surprise. Mr Jobs had a liver transplant two years ago and has been on medical leave for undisclosed reasons since early this year.

The company's succession plan has rolled into place with Tim Cook, chief operating officer, widely seen as a safe pair of hands, set to take over.

The secret of Steve Jobs success, according to the writer, comedian and tech guru Stephen Fry, has been his ability to produce gadgets that are likeable as well as functional.

Stephen Fry
"He understood that the object you hold in your hand, that connects you to people, isn't just the sum of its functions. It's something that should make you smile, that you should cradle, that you should have an emotional relationship with. And if people think that's pretentious then, um, the success of Apple is in a sense how wrong they are."

Mr Jobs has ridden several waves of technology change, with Apple pioneering the personal computer and then years later mobile platforms like the iPhone and iPad. Investors are betting that he's embedded his skills to the point where now the company can do without him.

Mark Gregory, BBC News

Vocabulary -
visionary - an original thinker with intelligence and imagination

undisclosed - not made public
succession plan - strategy for dealing with the change of leadership of the company

a safe pair of hands - someone who is reliable and believed to be good for the job

tech guru - a person whose knowledge and opinion on technology is respected

gadgets - small devices that do useful things, often electronic

cradle - hold gently in your hands, almost as if keeping a baby safe

pretentious - trying to appear to be important or special in order to impress other people

pioneering - leading the development of
embedded his skills - made his way of working and thinking part of the culture of the company

sábado, agosto 27

Common Errors in English Usage - bad; badly

In informal speech “bad” is sometimes used as an adverb: “the toilet was leaking pretty bad” or “my arm hurt so bad I thought it was broken.” In formal writing, “badly” is preferred in both contexts.

Na fala informal ''bad'' é as vezes usado como um advérbio - ''o vaso sanitário estava vazando muito'' ou ''meu braço doia tanto que eu pensei que estava quebrado''. Na escrita formal, 'badly' é preferido em ambos contextos.

terça-feira, agosto 23


Todos conhecemos como Brownie aqueles bolinhos de chocolate americano deliciosos, mas no idioma coloquial não tem nada a haver com bolinhos,pelo menos no meu haver não, a não ser que a sua recompensa seja um pedaço de brownie, quem sabe! pois a expressão "brownie points" significa 'ganhar elogios e aprovação por fazer algo para alguém'. Vamos ver no exemplo abaixo para ficar mais claro.

William is trying to earn some brownie points.
Listen to the coversation between William and Feifei to find out about the different uses of the phrase 'brownie points'.

Feifei.. William, what are you doing with that suitcase and flowers and boxes of chocolates?

William: Oh, well I'm spending the weekend with my wife's parents so I thought I'd better get something for my mother-in-law.

Feifei: Oh I see! A weekend with the in-laws.

William: And I'm going to do a bit of decorating and gardening for them too.

Feifei: Wow, you really are trying to earn some brownie points, aren't you? William is trying to get praise and approval by doing something for them.

William: Yes, I'm trying to earn some brownie points.

Feifei: To earn some brownie points. 'Brownie points' are badges young girls who are members of a youth organisation called 'The Brownies' earn for doing good things for others. Now we use that term generally to mean 'trying to get praise for our actions'.....tentar obter elogios por nossas ações.

William: Yes, you see I'm not sure if my mother-in-law really… likes me that much. So that's why I'm trying to earn some brownie points. Maybe she'll change her attitude towards me.

Feifei: Oh dear. Yes, maybe you'll get some approval from her.

Man: Look at Gary. He keeps offering to do extra work – even at weekends
Woman: Well he's hoping to earn a few brownie points with the bosses. There's a new position opening up and I reckon he'll apply for it.

Feifei: He's been offering to do extra work to impress his bosses. It's because there's an opportunity for a promotion coming up.

William: But to earn brownie points is more than just doing someone a favour.

Feifei: Yes, the expression means you're trying to get approval from someone. It's also quite a light-hearted and informal expression.

William: When was the last time you earned brownie points from someone, Feifei?

Feifei: Oh I don't try to get other people's approval.

William: Hmm, really? So you don't really care what people think about you?

Feifei: No, not at all. But William, you've got so much stuff with you. Are you taking the train to your in-laws' house? Can I give you a lift to the station?

William: Oh thanks! That's really kind of you, Feifei. I was beginning to think you were a bit selfish but now I can see you're quite generous. Ah, I understand!

Feifei: Yes, I'm trying to earn some brownie points!

William: Well, you succeeded! Goodbye!

Feifei: Bye!

Common Errors in English - MAY - MIGHT

Most of the time “might” and “may” are almost interchangeable, with “might” suggesting a somewhat lower probability. You’re more likely to get wet if the forecaster says it may rain than if she says it might rain; but substituting one for the other is unlikely to get you into trouble—so long as you stay in the present tense.

But “might” is also the past tense of the auxiliary verb “may” and is required in sentences like “Chuck might have avoided arrest for the robbery if he hadn’t given the teller his business card before asking for the money.” When speculating that events might have been other than they were, don’t substitute “may” for “might.”
As an aside: if you are an old-fashioned child, you will ask, “May I go out to play?” rather than “Can I go out to play?” Despite the prevalence of the latter pattern, some adults still feel strongly that “may” has to do with permission whereas “can” implies only physical ability. But then if you have a parent like this you’ve had this pattern drilled into your head long before you encountered this book.


Imagine a seguinte situação: você e um grupo de amigos estão super animados, motivados, entusiasmados para fazer uma festa. Reunir a galera e apavorar. Vocês então planejam como vai ser, pensam nas bebidas, comidas, convidados, convidadas, etc. Enfim, vai ser A festa!
Mas, ei que então chega um outro amigo e começa a colocar defeito em tudo: louça para lavar, chão para limpar, banheiro para desinfetar, possíveis acidentes, penetras que podem aparecer, possíveis brigas, etc. Ou seja, o cara simplesmente tanta acabaz com a alegria de todos.

O que este sujeito é? Antes que alguém me venha com uma série de palavrões para definir o camarada, já vou dizendo que ele é na verdade um estraga-prazer (o pessoal mais desbocado também costuma dizer que esse sujeito é um ......!!!!!. Em inglês esse mesmo sujeito pode receber um monte de nomes também. Porém, "oficialmente" falando ele é um "party pooper".

Em inglês, além de "party pooper", você pode ainda usar as palavras "killjoy", "spoilsport" ou - no inglês britânico - "wet blanket". Algumas sentenças que você pode aprender para usar com estas palavras são:

.Don't be such a party pooper! = Não seja um estraga-prazeres!

.You're really such a killjoy! = Mais você é um estraga-prazeres mesmo!

.She's such a wet blanket! = Ela é um tremendo estraga-prazeres.

Lembre-se que você pode trocar as palavras para "estraga-prazeres" nas sentenças em inglês acima sem problemas. O sentido será sempre o mesmo!

So, do you have a friend who's a party pooper? ..

créditos - Denilson de Lima

Quotation - the greatest gift

“History provides abundant examples of people whose greatest gift was in redeeming, inspiring, liberating, and nurturing the gifts of others.”

Sonia Rudikoff - Author

"A História nos dá exemplos abundantes de pessoas cujo maior dom era na redenção, inspirando, libertando, e nutrindo os dons dos outros."

domingo, agosto 21

Quote of the day

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!”
Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993);

actress, humanitarian

quinta-feira, maio 19

Phrasal Verb: PUT ON

O phrasal verb de hoje é 'put on'
put on: try to make someone believe something that is ridiculous or untrue.
"Don't believe a word of what Jim was saying. He was just putting us on."

"Put on" pode também ter vários significados:
. pôr: I´ll put my coat on (vou pôr meu casaco)
. ligar: Do you want me to put the heating on? (quer que eu ligue o aquecimento?)
Will you put the light on? (acenda a luz, por favor?
Can I put the TV on? (posso ligar a tv?)
Who put that video on?(quem ligou o video?)
. montar: We´re putting on an incredible jigsaw puzzle. (estamos montando um incrivel quebra-cabeça)
.fingindo: She´s not ill: she´s just putting it on
(ela não está doente, só está fingindo)
. pôr no fogo: I´ll put the potatoes on.(vou colocar as batatas no fogo)
.ganhar: I put on four pounds. (engordei quatro libras)
. engordar: put on weight. He´s put on a lot of weight. (ele engordou muito)
É mole!!ou quer mais? se vasculhar encontra mais significados para estas duas palavrinhas.

terça-feira, maio 17

Quotation - Ordinary People -"If the world is to be healed........."

“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. ”

Joanna Macy (born 1929);

Author, environmental activist

terça-feira, maio 10

Cartoons: Fish



Hey, how's it going today? Picture this: your friend finished reading a book last week and he loved it. So two days ago he told you about the book and you asked him if you could borrow the book. He said "Sure! Here it is". So you grabbed the book and then you walked to the nearest bus stop, waited a while and when your bus came, you hopped on.
But here's what happened then: there were no seats available so you just stood near the back exit and you decided to check out your friend's book while riding the bus. That was a bad idea. The bus driver was apparently in a hurry and, at one point, he made a really sharp turn. In that exact moment, you were trying to hold on to the railing with one hand, and trying to turn a page with the other hand. As the driver made the turn, the book just flew off your hand and out the window. Your friend's book? It was gone in one second.
So you got home and first thing you did was, you gave your friend a call and told him what happened.
Now, people react differently to these things, right? Let's talk about two opposite reactions people may have.
The first one would be like this: you call your friend and he says "Oh, no worries. It's not that big a deal." Your friend says this is not that big a deal. When something is not a big deal, that means it's not that important, it doesn't have serious consequences, it's something that can be easily fixed. You know, it's not a serious problem, it's not a big deal, it is not that big a deal.
You know that last sentence - "it's not that big a deal"? This isn't very intuitive for us, Brazilians or Portuguese speakers in general. If we try to translate that literally into Portuguese, we'll end up with something that doesn't make sense. So, don't do that!(não faça isso!!)- for now, just know that "it's not that big a deal" means something like "não é tão sério assim". You can say "This isn't a big deal" or "No big deal" or "It's not that big a deal", for example.
Now, maybe your friend has the opposite reaction. You tell him you lost the book and he goes ballistic. "He goes ballistic" - that means, he gets insanely angry, in Portuguese "ele fica maluco da vida". He starts yelling at you over the phone! And you tell him "Jack, relax! I'm gonna get you a new copy immediately! In fact, I'm gonna get you two copies of that book." But that's not good enough for your friend. He's still mad at you, and you ask him "Don't you think you are overreacting? It was an accident!". Listen again to this question: Don't you think you are overreacting? This is a very common use of the word "overreact". Don't you think you are overreacting?
So, can you guess what overreact means? You think your friend is overreacting. That means that you think he is exaggerating in his anger. You were holding his book and it flew out the bus window. It happens! Why is he that angry? It's not that big a deal. I mean, you would understand if he got a little upset. But he's so mad, he's yelling at you. You think he is totally overreacting. It's just a book, you're gonna go to the bookstore and get him a new copy, or two new copies, like you promised... and, problem solved! Your friend is overreacting. He's too angry for something that isn't that serious, for a problem that isn't that hard to be solved.
And here's something else you could say: "Jack, I think you're blowing this out of proportion". I think you are blowing it out of proportion. I lost your book, I'm gonna buy you a new one and that'll be the end of it! You are angry for no reason. You are blowing this out of proportion! You are blowing this completely out of proportion. So, that happens sometimes, right? Sometimes we see someone blowing something out of proportion. We know it's not a big deal, but that person doesn't and they overreact and blow it completely out of proportion.
Now here's a question for you: have you ever overreacted? Have you ever blown something out of proportion? And then, minutes later you realized that it actually wasn't that big a deal?

Key expressions

it's not that big a deal - it's not a big deal - no big deal: não é grande coisa
overreacting - reagir exageradamente
blow something out of proportion - exagerando demais a um assunto que não é tão sério

you hopped on (the bus) = você subiu (no ônibus)
made a sharp turn = fez uma curva fechada
hold on to the railing = segurar bem no corrimão do ônibus
flew off your hand and out the window = voou da sua mão pra fora da janela
we'll end up with = a gente vai acabar com


QUIZ: Conditional Expressions

1: __________ a sudden drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will be lowered automatically.

a. In an event of
b. In the event
c. In an event
d. In the event of

2: You are free to re-use this material, __________ you acknowledge the source.

a. unless
b. provided that
c. as long
d. supposing

3: You can borrow my books __________ you return them tomorrow.

a. in condition
b. on condition of
c. on condition that
d. to condition that

4: Maria is so unreliable! _________ she's late? What shall we do then?

a. What if
b. What
c. What as
d. Unless

5: It's sunny at the moment, but I'll take an umbrella __________ it rains later.

a. just of case
b. just in case
c. just case
d. just a case

6: I must tell him, __________ he'll be really upset.

a. anyway
b. other ways
c otherwise
d. other wise

ANSWERS OF THE QUIZ: send me an-email, I will be very pleased to send you the answers (nane.bra@gmail.com)

sexta-feira, maio 6

Phrasal Verb: PICK OUT

pick out (separable): choose; select.

"Billy's grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Billy had picked it out himself."

segunda-feira, maio 2

Happy Birthday to you, or, Happy Birthday for you

Todo mundo sabe que devemos dizer Happy New Year para desejar um feliz ano novo e Merry Christmas para feliz natal, ou Happy Birthday para feliz aniversário. O que alguns confundem é qual preposição usar depois dessas expressões – to ou for.

Então vai aí a dica, após as expressões Happy New Year, Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday, Happy Easter (Feliz Páscoa) e Congratulations sempre devemos usar a preposição to. Exemplo: Happy Birthday to you!

Só uma observação, nos EUA usa-se Merry Christmas enquanto que na Inglaterra e Irlanda é mais comum o uso de Happy Christmas.

domingo, maio 1

Explore a Memória Auditiva Ouvindo Músicas

No estudo de uma língua estrangeira se faz necessário se familiarizar
com novas palavras diariamente, uma das maneiras para aumentar o vocabulário
é atráves de letras de músicas, é uma das estratégias preferidas por alguns
aprendizes de língua estrangeira, porque oferece uma maneira mais relaxante de apresentar uma linguagem nova, apesas da dificuldade em entender todas as palavras
e do uso mais 'flexível' da linguagem que as músicas atuais apresentam. A seguir, algumas idéias sobre como explorar esse tipo de memória auditiva:

. escute e cante músicas ou assista a videoclipes com as letras, anote as palavras
separando-as em categorias. Por exemplo, verbos, adjetivos ou até frases inteiras,
e depois exercite-as oralmente;
. ouças as músicas sem ler as letras, anotando passo a passo tudo que conseguir entender ou de três em três linhas;
. crie o seu próprio exercício de completar, apagando algumas palavras das letras para depois completar as frases ao ouvir a música.

terça-feira, abril 26

I didn´t mean to hurt you

MEAN.....verbo, expressão, adjetivo...palavra que tem vários significados, vamos a alguns deles.

John Lennon-Jealous Guy
I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control

I didn't mean to hurt youI'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

Uma maneira boa para gravar o significado de uma palavra tão complexa como MEAN é memorizar canções. Uma delas, uma das minhas favoritas de John Lennon é
JEALOUS GUY...I didn´t mean to hurt you...Eu não tinha a intenção de magoá-la.
Infelizmente, o meu computador não está fazendo download de videos, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_owVqA-d_Vc e escute I DIDN´T MEAN TO HURT YOU.

Vamos lá a alguns exemplos com a palavra MEAN:
Verbo: mean, meant, meant
.to mean: significar. What does "mouth" mean? O que significa "mouth"?

. You mean a lot to mean. Você significa muito para mim.
. querer dizer: That´s not what I meant. Não foi isto que quis dizer.
. Do you mean me? Você quer dizer 'eu'?
. tencionar: I didn´t mean to hurt you. Não tinha a intenção de magoar (ou, machucar)
. Do you really mean it? Você está falando sério ?
. He means what he says. Ele está falando sério.

. Como adjetivo:
. sovina: He´s too mean to buy presents. Ele é muito sovina para comprar presentes.
. mesquinho: That´s a really mean thing to say. É muito mesquinho dizer isso.
. maldoso: You´re mean to me. Você está sendo maldoso comigo.

segunda-feira, abril 25

Como dizer em Inglês: Foi sem querer, Foi de Propósito, Não tive a intenção.....

So let's take a look at a very popular way to express Não tive intenção or Não foi de propósito.
Picture this: você está ansioso porque acabou de ser admitida em um novo emprego. Você quer celebrar esta conquista e começa a planejar uma festa para o dia 6 de maio. Acontece que, você se esqueceu completamente que dia 6 de Maio também é o aniversário de uma grande amiga....bem, quando esta amiga descobre que você está planejando sua festa exatamente no mesmo dia que a festa dela, e claro, os convidados são os mesmos, o pessoal da turma, she´s hurt, ela fica magoada com você. I mean, why would you do that ? You know it´s her birthday! So, she calls you on it, and you are, like, mortified! Why? Because when you set the date for your celebration, it didn't even cross your mind that it was the same date as your friend's birthday! So you tell her, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! I didn't do it on purpose!
I didn't mean for that to happen. What is "that"? "That" is, setting your date on the same day as her birthday. You didn't mean for that to happen. You had no intention of having your party on her birthday. It wasn't on purpose! You didn't do it on purpose. You didn't mean for that to happen.
Now, think of an example yourself: something you planned, something you worked on, and then, all of a sudden, someone lets you know that whatever you are doing is hurting or just annoying them in some way. And you say... I'm really sorry, I didn't do it on purpose! I'm not doing it on purpose. I didn't mean for that to happen! I didn't mean to harm you. I didn't mean to annoy you. I didn't mean for that to happen.
Now, here's another one that happens a lot: when you say something, and people don't really get what you're saying... they misinterpret (interpreta mal) it. And then, someone gets offended, or someone gets upset because of what you said... and, you didn't mean it that way! The way they understood it, you didn't mean it 'that' way! You meant something else. They misunderstood you. They thought you meant one thing, but you really meant something else.

Já aconteceu isto com você? (Has that ever happened to you?) Você já foi mal interpretado?( Have you ever been misunderstood?) It's happened to me before, yes. And it has also happened that I misunderstood the other person. I thought they meant one thing, and in reality they meant something else entirely, or they were just joking (brincando)... So when you say something, when you joke with someone, and they look hurt, or they say something like "Ouch! That hurt"... and you realize they have misinterpreted what you said, you can say I didn't mean it that way. Here's what I meant. And then you can explain what you really meant.

Well, any question write me on: nane.bra@gmail.com

sábado, abril 23

Common Errors: as less as possible

as less as possible

The expression is not “as less as possible,” but “as little as possible.”

Common Errors: asocial/antisocial


Someone who doesn’t enjoy socializing at parties might be described as either “asocial” or “antisocial”; but “asocial” is too mild a term to describe someone who commits an antisocial act like planting a bomb. “Asocial” suggests indifference to or separation from society, whereas “antisocial” more often suggests active hostility toward society.

quinta-feira, abril 21

Commom Errors: let’s/lets


The only time you should spell (write) “let’s” with an apostrophe is when it means “let us”: Let’s go to the mall.”

If the word you want means “allows” or “permits,” no apostrophe should be used: “My mom lets me use her car if I fill the tank.”

Como dizer em Inglês - 'SÓ POR CURIOSIDADE'

Ao traduzir ao pé da letra ...."só por curiosidade" ficamos tentados a dizer: "only by curiosity", porém em inglês o correto - é dizer "just out of curiosity"., mais comum ainda é ouvir "just outta curiosity". No inglês falado isto é normal! Enfim, veja aí alguns exemplos:

.Just out of curiosity, do women see proctologists too, or is it just men? (Só por curiosidade, as mulheres também vão a um proctologista, ou é só os homens?)
.Just out of curiosity, why are carrots more orange than oranges are? (Só por curiosidade, por que as cenouras são mais alaranjadas do que as laranjas?)
.Just out of curiosity, is there any good reason for doing that? (Só por curiosidade, há algum bom motivo para se fazer isto?)

Além disse, se em uma conversa você ouvir alguém dizendo "JOOC" não vá pensar que a pessoa está falando do seriado "The OC". Nada a ver! Ela estará apenas abreviando a expressão "Just Out Of Curiosity".

sábado, abril 16


In some countries farmworkers are still called “peasants”(camponês)there. In English-speaking countries we tend to think of the term as belonging strictly to the feudal era. However you use it, don’t confuse it with “pheasant,”(faizão)a bird. Use the sound of the beginning consonants to remind you of the difference: pheasants(fézants) are food, peasants (pézants) are people.

quarta-feira, abril 13

Feel like doing something different?

Feel like doing something different?

There’s always a good reason for an excursion with your family, friends or classmates. Theme parks, zoos, exhibitions or museums? Or would you rather take a trip to town, or do something more energetic?or, even, doing nothing.....sometimes you have to do something, but you don´t feel like doing it.
If you have to do something you don't feel like doing, what do you do?
Often, people will try to push against the emotional resistance they feel. Other times, they sit back in frustration as they put off a task. This scenario can easily seem like a psychological trap. Fortunately, there is a way to break through.

Instructions about "How to Do Something When You Don't Feel Like Doing It":

1.Think of a task you don't feel like doing. This task will be your focus for the next five steps....Pense em uma tarefa que você não tem vontade de fazer. Esta tarefa será o seu foco para as próximas cinco etapas.

2.Think of always doing this task and get in touch with how you feel about this.

3.Bring all your attention to the feelings arising in your body and observe them. Welcome them as they start to dissolve.

4.Think of never doing this task and get in touch with how you feel about this.

5.Bring all your attention to the feelings arising in your body and observe them. Welcome them as they start to dissolve.

6.When you go back to step 1, you can think of the same task you don't feel like doing or another task you don't want to do. Repeat the steps above until you feel like you are finished. Once you feel like you are done, there's a good chance that you'll be able to do the task you didn't feel like doing.

Como sempre, se for necessário use o recurso "tradutor" acima à direita, mas cuidado com a tradução.

Idiom: Como dizer "estar a fim de fazer [de algo; estar com vontade"

Feel like doing (something)
What does feel like doing (something) mean? O que significa "feel like doing (something)"?
It means to be in the mood to do something, to want to do something - significa estar a fim de fazer algo, estar a fim de algo, ou estar com vontade de algo.
Pois é, como todos as expressões idiomáticas é preciso tomar o cuidado com a tradução literal das palavras, vamos a alguns exemplos:

.I do not feel like doing the dishes now.
Não estou a fim de lavar a louça.
.I feel like going out. Do you feel like seeing a movie?
To a fim de sair. Tá a fim de ver um filme?
. If you are not feeling like going to the movies, we can watch a video instead.
Se você não está a fim de ir ao cinema, podemos assistir um video, ao invés de.

Essa expressão pode ser usada com um substantivo (estar a fim de algo), que fica
ainda mais estranho se traduzir ao pé da letra: "I feel like pizza" ao traduzir literalmente ficaria - Me sinto como uma pizza, mas claro que isto quer dizer "estou a fim de comer pizza", e não que você está se sentindo coberto de queijo.

No mesmo sentido, mas um pouco mais informal e especialmente na linguagem britânica usa-se a expressão "fancy doing(something)" :
. What do you fancy eating tonight? ...I fancy some Japanese food.
. What do you fancy for your lunch?
Esta expressão é também usada com o sentido de "estar a fim de alguém":
. All the guys I fancy don´t fancy me.

Na próxima postagem vai uma reflexão psicológica sobre a expressão "feel like doing (something)"

domingo, abril 10


Esta postagem tem a finalidade de praticar a leitura, sendo que a aprendizagem de novas palavras aumenta a confiança da habilidade da fala. Se houver dificuldades no entendimento do texto use a ferramenta "tradutor" acima à direita, porém, como sabemos a tradução é literal, será sempre necessário adaptações na tradução para outro idioma.

Christopher Reeve (1952-2004); actor, director, producer, author, advocate

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve was first introduced to movie audiences as Clark Kent in "Superman" in 1978. He followed his Superman fame by acting in many more movies, including the "Superman" sequels, and numerous theater productions. He was extremely busy in the activist arena, championing causes for the environment and the arts among others. However, in 1995, Reeve's life changed dramatically.
The active sportsman loved riding horses and participating in jumping competitions. At an equestrian competition in May of 1995, Reeve was thrown from his horse. The injury was severe. He broke two of the vertebrae in his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down. Reeve's prognosis was grim: he wouldn't be able to walk again or even breathe without the help of a ventilator.

Rather than give up, Reeve became determined to beat paralysis and the spinal cord injuries. His previous fervor for many causes coalesced into one: spinal cord injuries and other nervous system disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Reeve, along with his wife Dana, set up a paralysis foundation to raise money for research and also to give support to others in similar situations. He continued to act and became a director with several movies to his credit. Reeve passed away on October 10, 2004, after suffering heart failure, but his strength will never be forgotten.