quinta-feira, novembro 27


A Cambridge English Corpus selecionou uma amostra de 500 entre quatro milhões e meio de palavras usadas em conversação no Inglês norte-americano, a mais frequente é a palavra “I”, que está no topo da lista.
Não conhece todas as palavras? Acrescente-as em seu vocabulário.

1 I
2 and
3 the
4 you
5 uh
6 to
7 a
8 that
9 it
10 of
11 yeah
12 know
13 in
14 like
15 they
16 have
17 so
18 was
19 but
20 is
21 it’s
22 we
23 huh
24 just
25 oh
26 do
27 don’t
28 that’s
29 well
30 for
31 what
32 on
33 think
34 right
35 not
36 um
37 or
38 my
39 be
40 really
41 with
42 he
43 one
44 are
45 this
46 there
47 I’m
48 all
49 if
50 no
51 get
52 about
53 at
54 out
55 had
56 then
57 because
58 go
59 up
60 she
61 when
62 them
63 can
64 would
65 as
66 me
67 mean
68 some
69 good
70 got
71 OK
72 people
73 now
74 going
75 were
76 lot
77 your
78 time
79 see
80 how
81 they’re
82 kind
83 here
84 from
85 did
86 something
87 too
88 more
89 very
90 want
91 little
92 been
93 things
94 an
95 you’re
96 said
97 there’s
98 I’ve
99 much
100 where
101 two
102 thing
103 her
104 didn’t
105 other
106 say
107 back
108 could
109 their
110 our
111 guess
112 yes
113 way
114 has
115 down
116 we’re
117 any
118 he’s
119 work
120 take
121 even
122 those
123 over
124 probably
125 him
126 who
127 put
128 years
129 sure
130 can’t
131 pretty
132 gonna
133 stuff
134 come
135 these
136 by
137 into
138 went
139 make
140 than
141 year
142 three
143 which
144 home
145 will
146 nice
147 never
148 only
149 his
150 doing
151 cause
152 off
153 I’ll
154 maybe
155 real
156 why
157 big
158 actually
159 she’s
160 day
161 five
162 always
163 school
164 look
165 still
166 around
167 anything
168 kids
169 first
170 does
171 need
172 us
173 should
174 talking
175 last
176 thought
177 doesn’t
178 different
179 money
180 long
181 used
182 getting
183 same
184 four
185 every
186 new
187 everything
188 many
189 before
190 though
191 most
192 tell
193 being
194 bit
195 house
196 also
197 use
198 through
199 feel
200 course
201 what’s
202 old
203 done
204 sort
205 great
206 bad
207 we’ve
208 another
209 car
210 true
211 whole
212 whatever
213 twenty
214 after
215 ever
216 find
217 care
218 better
219 hard
220 haven’t
221 trying
222 give
223 I’d
224 problem
225 else
226 remember
227 might
228 again
229 pay
230 try
231 place
232 part
233 let
234 keep
235 children
236 anyway
237 came
238 six
239 family
240 wasn’t
241 talk
242 made
243 hundred
244 night
245 call
246 saying
247 dollars
248 live
249 away
250 either
251 read
252 having
253 far
254 watch
255 week
256 mhm
257 quite
258 enough
259 next
260 couple
261 own
262 wouldn’t
263 ten
264 interesting
265 am
266 sometimes
267 bye
268 seems
269 heard
270 goes
271 called
272 point
273 ago
274 while
275 fact
276 once
277 seen
278 wanted
279 isn’t
280 start
281 high
282 somebody
283 let’s
284 times
285 guy
286 area
287 fun
288 they’ve
289 you’ve
290 started
291 job
292 says
293 play
294 usually
295 wow
296 exactly
297 took
298 few
299 child
300 thirty
301 buy
302 person
303 working
304 half
305 looking
306 someone
307 coming
308 eight
309 love
310 everybody
311 able
312 we’ll
313 life
314 may
315 both
316 type
317 end
318 least
319 told
320 saw
321 college
322 ones
323 almost
324 since
325 days
326 couldn’t
327 gets
328 guys
329 god
330 country
331 wait
332 yet
333 believe
334 thinking
335 funny
336 state
337 until
338 husband
339 idea
340 name
341 seven
342 together
343 each
344 hear
345 help
346 nothing
347 parents
348 room
349 today
350 makes
351 stay
352 mom
353 sounds
354 change
355 understand
356 such
357 gone
358 system
359 comes
360 thank
361 show
362 thousand
363 left
364 friends
365 class
366 already
367 eat
368 small
369 boy
370 paper
371 world
372 best
373 water
374 myself
375 run
376 they’ll
377 won’t
378 movie
379 cool
380 news
381 number
382 man
383 basically
384 nine
385 enjoy
386 bought
387 whether
388 especially
389 taking
390 sit
391 book
392 fifty
393 months
394 women
395 month
396 found
397 side
398 food
399 looks
400 summer
401 hmm
402 fine
403 hey
404 student
405 agree
406 mother
407 problems
408 city
409 second
410 definitely
411 spend
412 happened
413 hours
414 war
415 matter
416 supposed
417 worked
418 company
419 friend
420 set
421 minutes
422 morning
423 between
424 music
425 close
426 leave
427 wife
428 knew
429 pick
430 important
431 ask
432 hour
433 deal
434 mine
435 reason
436 credit
437 dog
438 group
439 turn
440 making
441 American
442 weeks
443 certain
444 less
445 must
446 dad
447 during
448 lived
449 forty
450 air
451 government
452 eighty
453 wonderful
454 seem
455 wrong
456 young
457 places
458 girl
459 happen
460 sorry
461 living
462 drive
463 outside
464 bring
465 easy
466 stop
467 percent
468 hand
469 gosh
470 top
471 cut
472 computer
473 tried
474 gotten
475 mind
476 business
477 anybody
478 takes
479 aren’t
480 question
481 rather
482 twelve
483 phone
484 program
485 without
486 moved
487 gave
488 yep
489 case
490 looked
491 certainly
492 talked
493 beautiful
494 card
495 walk
496 married
497 anymore
498 you’ll
499 middle
500 tax

sexta-feira, outubro 24


Falando novamente em dinheiro aí vai outra expressão idiomática "dinheiro não traz felicidade" ou "as melhores coisas da vida são de graça", assim começava a canção MONEY (THAT´S WHAT I WANT) dos The Beatles, que eu amo. A expressão, THE BEST THINGS  IN LIFE ARE FREE.

- The advertising industry exists to convince us that the best things in life are free.
- Friendship, laughter, family, love, health...Can you buy those things?
- Maybe, not, but can you maintain any of them without money?

sexta-feira, outubro 17

Reading Time: AT THE ZOO

At the Zoo

A zoo keeper asked a big, strong fellow: Want a job?

Doing what? he asked.

Our gorilla died, the zoo keeper replied. If we got you a special suit, would you imitate him for several days?

Yes sir! he answered.

He did very well, until one day he accidentally entered in the lion's den. Help! he yelled.

Shut up, you idiot! cried the man dressed as a lion. You'll get us both fired.

Vocabulário:. both - ambos
. den - covil
. die - morrer
. dressed as - vestido como
. fellow - pessoa
. fired - demitido
. job - emprego
. reply - responder
. several - muitos
. shut up - cala a boca
. suit - roupa
. zoo - zoológico

Reading Time: THE BEST

Uma das maiores dificuldades que tenho encontrado ao ministrar aulas é encontrar um meio de estimular os alunos a gostarem de ler. Sempre digo aos meus alunos que a melhor maneira de acumular conhecimento de novas palavras é o hábito da leitura, mas pouquíssimos leem, eu insisto e digo para que eles busquem uma área de interesse e busquem um texto em uma revista, livro, ou mesmo a internet que está cheia de material de qualquer área. Vou começar a postar pequenos textos,
citações, provérbios e outros com um glossário de algumas palavras do mesmo, em português, as quais apenas com o significado que as mesmas assumem dentro do contexto apresentado, pois muitas delas possuem múltiplos significados, pois o objetivo é apenas esclarecer o texto apresentado.

Vamos começar com o título THE BEST, uma
citação (quotation) de DALE CARNEGIE,
 Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (Carnagey até 1922) - Missouri, 24 de novembro de 1888 - Nova Iorque, 1 de novembro de 1955, foi um escritor e orador norte-americano.
Autor de best-sellers como Como Fazer Amigos e Influenciar Pessoas, e Como Evitar Preocupações e Começar a Viver,(tenho os dois livros em meu acervo),  graças ao sucesso obtido chegou a ser conselheiro de líderes mundiais. Escreveu colunas em diversos jornais e teve o seu próprio programa de rádio. Fundou o que é hoje uma rede mundial de mais de 2.700 instrutores e escritórios em aproximadamente 90 países em todo o mundo.

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves." Dale Carnegie 
. afraid - temeroso
. give you best - dar o melhor de si
. seemingly - aparentemente
. small Jobs - tarefas pequenas
. much stronger - muito mais forte
. tend - tender
. take care of themselves - se arrumar por si só



A expressão "(to be) open-handed" Não indica somente generosidade em relação ao dinheiro, mas também na hora de dar uma informação, ou simplesmente quando se trata de honestidade.
Sinônimo: magnanimous, bountiful, lavish, unstinting, kind, giving, big-hearted, nobel,altruistic,
....e mais...

  • It is good to be generous, but people cannot expect you to be open-handed without offering something in return.
  • Be open-handed with salt and butter but stingy with milk, which will flatten out the bright, earthy potato taste.
  • .     John is very open-handed; you can ask him for anything and he will give it to you.

    segunda-feira, agosto 25


    Why do we need sleep?

    Is bedtime just a time for dreaming? Do our brains turn off for the night? What if I told you that scientists recently discovered that our brains may be just as busy at night as they are during the day?

    While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day. Researchers at the University of Rochester found that the brain may be busy cleaning house -- cleaning out harmful waste materials.

    As with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. They studied mice that had colored dye injected into their brains. They observed the mice brains as they slept and when they were awake. The researchers say they saw that the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work.

    Working Double Duty
    Dr. Maiken Nedergaard led the study. The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs. It seems they have daytime jobs. Later they "moonlight" at a nighttime job.

    "Moonlighting" is working a nighttime job in addition to a day job. And this study says that is what our brains seem to be doing – working an extra job at night without additional pay for overtime.

    "When we are awake, the brain cells are working very hard at processing all the information about our surroundings. Whereas during sleep, they work very, very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when we are awake."

    The researchers say that the waste material includes poisons, or toxins, responsible for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

    They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller. This shrinking permits waste to be removed more effectively.

    Dr. Nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. There, they are broken down and then removed from the body.

    "So our study suggests that we need to sleep because we have a macroscopic cleaning system that removes many of the toxic waste products from the brain."

    The brain’s cleaning system could only be studied with new imaging technologies. The test animal must be alive in order to see this brain process to be seen as it happens.

    Dr. Nedergaard says the next step is to look for the process in human brains. She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease. The research may also one day lead to treatments to prevent or help fight neurological disorders.

    7 Tips for Better Sleeping
    Do you have trouble sleeping? Not being able to sleep is called insomnia. According to the United States National Sleep Foundation, here are some tips for a good night’s sleep:
    .Go to bed about the same time each night, even on weekends. This helps to "set" your body’s "sleep clock."
    .Exercise every day.
    .Have a calm, relaxing bedtime routine – take a warm bath or drink a hot cup of tea.
    .Try not to take long naps during the day. Periods of sleep during the daytime can interfere with sleep at night.
    .Make sure you have a pleasant environment where you sleep. For most people, a cool, quiet and dark room is best for sleeping.
    .Avoid using television, computers and other electronic screens before bedtime.
    .Also avoid alcohol, cigarettes and heavy meals before bedtime.

    Listen to this article on  VOA LEARNING ENGLISH


    Words in the News

    insomnia - n. a prolonged and usually abnormal inability to get enough sleep ("An insomniac is a person who has trouble sleeping over a long period of time.")

    to moonlight; moonlightingv. to work at a second job in addition to your regular job ("No wonder she is so tired at work. I just found out that she has been moonlighting as a night club singer.")

    toxin n. a poisonous substance and especially one that is produced by a living thing. "Toxic" is the adjective of "toxin." ("The liver gets rid of many toxins in the body.")

    inject v. to force a liquid medicine or drug into someone or something by using a special needle ("They injected the mice with dye." "The injection was a colored dye solution.")

    shrink v. to become smaller in amount, size, or value ("She washed her new wool sweater in hot water and it shrunk two sizes! So, she gave it to her little sister.")

    source (fonte): This article was written for Learning English by Anna Matteo. It is based on a report by VOA health reporter Carol Pearson.


    quinta-feira, março 27

    Quotation: by Johnny Cash


    you aren´t gonna = you are not going to

    might as well = poderia muito bem

    JOHNNY R. CASH -  mais conhecido como Johnny Cash, foi um cantor e compositor norte-americano de música country, conhecido por seus fãs como "O Homem de Preto". Nasceu em 26 de fevereiro de 1932 em Arkansas, Estados Unidos e morreu em 12 de setembro de 2003 em Tennessee, Estados Unidos.
    Em uma carreira que durou quase cinco décadas ele foi para muitas pessoas a personificação do country. Sua voz sepulcral e o distintivo som "boom chicka boom" de sua banda de apoio "Tennessee Three" dão às canções de Johnny Cash o seu som característico.

    Johnny Cash interpreta uma de suas últimas canções:



    quinta-feira, fevereiro 27



    A: I want to learn to drive; however, cars scare me.
           semi-colon ( ; )                                       period ( . )

    B: Why not take a driver-training course?

            hyphen  ( - )                 question mark ( ? )

    A: I´m not ready.
      apostrophe ( ´)

    B: I know! If you want, I´ll teach you to drive.
         exclamation mark  ( ! )        comma ( , )

    A: Ok, but remember this: it was your idea, not mine
           colon ( : )

    QUOTATION MARK: 'ASPAS' em português,  usado para indicar o início e o final de uma citação, por exemplo:

    sexta-feira, fevereiro 7


    Não diga: Is very difficult to work when is hot - Diga: It´s very difficult to work when it´s hot.

    Em Inglês não é comum começar uma frase com  um verbo, somente com imperativos, como por exemplo "sit down", ou convites, como "have a seat", então não é possível traduzir "é muito difícil" ou "estava calor" começando com o verbo 'to be' somente. Sempre precisamos incluir 'it' com adjetivos, substantivos, verbos, horas, distâncias e medidas.

    Por exemplo:
    IT´S - IT WAS:
        a pity/my book/the end
        raining/snowing/getting dark
        4 o´clock/3.30/midnight
        about 20km/3 feet long/2°C

    Careful: Cuidado nas perguntas também: Is it hot outside? Is it easy? Is it 8 o´clock?